Howard Stern's Phony Phone Call - Dial-A-Trade Dropped Calls

When Richard Christy noticed a Dial-a-Trade radio show host frequently dealing with dropped calls, he saw a comedic opportunity. On Monday, Howard unveiled the Stern Show staffer’s latest prank call, exploiting this vulnerability for maximum hilarity.

When one caller was disconnected while attempting to sell trash cans, Richard seized the moment. “If you don’t have a good cell phone signal, you shouldn’t even be calling,” he scolded the host, Tommy, before promptly hanging up.

After several more failed calls, the host struggled to maintain his composure while speculating on the issue. “It’s something to do with the cell tower configuration and all the things that go on out there in the wide, wide world of air,” he mused.

Richard then amped up the prank. “Tommy, this time my call isn’t dropping — I actually climbed up a cell tower, and I’m at the very top right next to the antenna,” he claimed before staging his grand finale. “Oh no, I’m slipping, Tommy!”

“Well, I believe we’ve ruled out proximity to a cell tower,” the host concluded.

Listen to the full call below.

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