Clearwire CEO T-Mobile Founder Objects to AT&T Merger

Former Voicestream Wireless (T-Mobile USA) founder and now Clearwire's new CEO John Stanton the "Wireless Wiz Kid" in an interview on CNBC voiced his objection to the proposed AT&T buyout of T-Mobile. AT&T's device exclusivity was already a problem with AT&T, such as its recently ended iPhone exclusive. The concentration of buying power would only get worse if the carrier had that much more clout and 130M, customers. John Stanton does not approve of the merger between T-Mobile and AT&T and yet he struggles with his view because he doesn't want the US Government to get involved but thinks it has to.
He said, "first AT&T is the most aggressive player in wireless to beat up T-Mobile up and now they are buying them".  John said, "AT&T is the most aggressive player in the industry and their exclusive relationship with Apple iPhone was the inflection point in the business that damaged T-Mobile the most.  Is AT&T making a smart decision to buy T-Mobile before it gets the iPhone 4 in the coming months.  Devices used to be available across all carriers which is another anti-trust issue that continues to be ignored.  T-Mobile had to go to a low-end customer base because they lacked the iPhone and their revenue growth dramatically slowed.  

John W. Stanton has a lot of industry credibility being the founder and former CEO of Western Wireless Corporation and former chairman and CEO of Voice Stream Wireless and former chairman of the CTIA. VoicesStream was sold to Deutsche Telecom and was re-branded to T-Mobile John is worth an estimated his net worth US$1.1 billion.

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